About the Huts

Book ahead

Ferðafélag Íslands, The Iceland Touring Association (FÍ) runs 40 mountain huts all around Iceland. The huts along the most popular hiking trails, such as the Laugavegur trail, are in high demand and thus it is essential for hikers to book their accommodation beforehand.

Please bear in mind that the next available accommodation in the Icelandic highlands might be many hours hike or drive away, so please plan your trip accordingly.

These are good websites to get acquainted with before departure: www.road.is, www.en.vedur.is and safetravel.is.

Bring your own food and sleeping bag

When staying in an Icelandic hut, you have to bring your own sleeping bag as neither sleeping bags nor blankets are provided. The huts are slightly heated, so the sleeping bag does not have to be of arctic quality.

The temperature inside depends on how many people are staying and the temperature outside.

In the bigger huts you can expect both running water and water toilets but in some of the smaller ones, you will have to fetch water to a nearby stream and use a latrine/outhouse.

Please note that it is not possible to buy hot, ready-made meals in most of the Icelandic huts. Thus you will need to bring and carry your own food when hiking in Iceland. The exception being the huts along the popular Laugavegur hiking trail. There all the huts sell some supplies, such as backpacking dried food, soda and candy bars as well as stoves and gas. Only in Langadal in Þórsmörk is it possible to buy beer and wine.

Furthermore, in all but the biggest huts, you can not leave any trash or garbage behind but have to carry it with you back to the lowlands.

You can camp close to the huts for a camping fee but camping guests have to bring their own stove and utensils as they can not use the kitchen facilities in the huts.

Day-guests, i.e. those guests who only visit for a part of the day and are not staying in the huts or camping nearby, will have to pay facility fee when using the hut's facilities, such as lunch shelter, toilet or outdoor grill.

See our pricelist for huts and camping.
Here you can see some photos from our huts.

Closed during winter

Most of the huts are open and manned with wardens during the summertime but closed during the winter months when the roads are closed. See information on roads. It is however possible to book accommodation in some of the huts during winter through the FÍ's office by sending an e-mail to fi@fi.is or calling the office during opening hours at +354 568 2533.

Thus the hut in Landmannalaugar is generally open and manned during late winter/early spring. Please note that it is not possible to drive to Landmannalaugar during winter on a standard rent-a-car, you can only reach it by hiking, skiing, on a skidoo or driving specifically equipped super jeeps. 

Múlaskáli í Lónsöræfum

Hut rules

Cleanliness, tidiness and consideration towards fellow travelers is very important. The aim of these simple hut rules is to ensure a comfortable stay for hikers and other travelers.

  • If the warden is available, please confer with him/her regarding your booking, where to sleep and specific hut rules
  • Check in time is 12:00-20:00/12 PM-8 PM and check out is 10:00/10 AM
  • Quiet hours are from midnight until seven the next morning
  • No shoes inside the hut. Please leave your hiking boots in entrance hall
  • Smoking inside the huts is strictly forbidden at all times
  • Please leave the cooking area clean and tidy
  • Add water to the big pot on the kitchen stove, if needed
  • When leaving, please make sure the hut is clean and tidy
  • Remember to pay for the accommodation and facilities
  • Help us keep the environment clean by not leaving your trash behind
  • You are hiking in Iceland to experience nature. Rembember: Clean environment = Beautiful nature!